James Younger, a 7-year-old boy whose gender transition case made national headlines, has apparently decided to attend school as a boy.
The Save James Facebook group, which is reportedly run by friends of the family, on Monday posted photos of James and his twin brother, Jude Younger, purportedly on their way to school and, a day earlier, to church. Both of the brothers are dressed as boys.
“This is what it looks like when “JAMES gets to choose,” the captions reads. “James and Jude proud to be men!”
Alan Echols, who helps manage the Save James Facebook page, told LifeSiteNews: “We determined to get louder and now have thousands who will hold those Senators and Representatives accountable during the next election. We the people are fed up with the attacks on children by the transgender agenda.”
James’ parents have been waging a yearslong legal custody battle, with James’ gender identity seemingly at stake.
The mother, Anne Georgulas, has insisted that James is transgender and has overseen his transition to female. Georgulas enrolled James in school under the name Luna and staff treat him as female, including allowing him to use the girls’ restroom.
However, the father, Jeffrey Younger, has accused Georgulas, his ex-wife, of manipulating James into presenting as a girl when he is not in fact transgender.
“I’m the only authority figure in his life that tells him the truth; that he’s actually a boy,” Younger said on a Christian podcast in 2015. “They’re asking me to affirm a delusion.”
An update to the Save James Facebook post says: “Jeff emailed the principal today and James and Jude’s teachers had reported that there was zero stress or disruptions in the classroom today. Just another day in school.”
“Prayers answered,” it adds.
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