1. For The New Life
“Reaching in and pulling that head out is awesome. When I deliver a baby to a family who really wants that baby, man the feels. Plus I get to be the first person to hold them. Welcome to the world, little one!” — GoThirdParty
2. For The C-Sections
“I never thought I would do OB. I actually detested the idea until I started medical school. I was about doing ER for a long time, at least until I saw a c-section. That sold it for me.” — lamontsanders
3. For The Babies And Sex Talk
“I love babies and I love talking to people about their sex life. It was an easy decision” — MercuryBlade18
4. For The Brave Women
“To realize how many women deal with these problems without any support…has been an impressive realization.” — Wolfgang3750
5. For The Quality Of Life
“I much prefer the gyne side of things. Most of it isn’t very serious from a life/death perspective, but makes a huge difference in the quality of a person’s life. Massively/heavy painful periods won’t kill you, but it sure will make your life [hard]. It feels great to help fix that.” — veldhoen
6. For The Balance Between Work Life And Personal Life
“The two questions I get asked most are: 1.) Don’t vaginas gross you out now? and 2.) Are you ever attracted to your patients? The answer is no to both. I find it pretty easy to separate work life from my personal life. I couldn’t imagine being in any other field.” — OHBeeGYN
7. For The Playtime
“Ultimately, I just felt like I fit in with that type of doctor. (OB/GYNs tend to be the work hard/play hard type of individuals.) It felt kinda weird to make that decision at first, but once I got used to it, I couldn’t really see myself doing much else.” — terminal_ennui
8. For The Excitement
“It’s the field, in my opinion, where you get a little bit of everything as far as patient ages, pathologies, or time (hospital time vs. clinic time). It really is a field where you can do something different everyday, and it was the only speciality I didn’t get bored at while I was a third or fourth year student.” — summerbailey
9. For The Travel Opportunities
“I plan to go abroad on medical mission trips, and OBGYNs are always needed. Plenty of sub specialty opportunities. The pay is pretty good, too.” — FabulousssMD
10. For The Relationships With Patients
“You can have lifelong relationships with patients, or you can see them one time and then never deal with them again.” — deer_field_perox
Thumbnail sources: Flickr / Tom Beatty, Flickr / National Archief, Kaiser Permanente