A pack of pit bulls attacked two women who were going for a run in Indiana. The dogs ripped most of the scalp off one woman and left the other with deep wounds all over her body in the horrific half-hour attack.
Isabelle George, 19, and Rebekah Forgey, 20, were running along County Road 225 East near the town of Cutler when four pit bulls reportedly sprang from an unkempt, tree-lined proprety.
Sheriff Tobe Leazenby said the girls tried to run, but couldn’t outpace the dogs.
“They actually began chasing these girls and eventually attacked them,” Leazenby said. “They ran into an, in essence, open field.”
Forgey and George then had to fight for their lives.
“I mean she was holding her arms up trying to protect herself and the dogs just kept coing at her, so she’s got it real bad on mainly her right side,” said Curtis Conklin, George’s boyfriend.
The dog’s owner, 50-year-old Richard Darter, also ran toward the melee. He too was bitten.
Eventually a woman driving by pulled her vehicle in the field, and the women were able to jump in.
As of Friday night, George was recovering at home, while Forgey remained in critical condition at St. Vincent Hospital in Indianapolis.
“From what I’m understanding from the family she is having to have muscle put back on her leg transplanted and 75 percent of her hair got pulled out and she had to have skin grafts,” Conklin said.
Leazenby said all four pit bulls have been put down. The sheriff said Darter had been cited multiple times in the past for allowing his dogs to roam from his property. They were also involved in a previous bite incident two years ago.
Darter could now face charges for the attack.
Sources: WTHR News, Americanow
Pit bulls are like Muslims. You never know when they might explode!