Woman Used Government Funds To Pay For Her Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

A former city of Gainesville employee has been allegedly accused of stealing over $93,000 from the city.

But where did the money go? Some of it went towards paying for a Brazilian butt lift. Yup!

According to the investigative report that was released on Wednesday, they found the former city staff specialist Natwaina Clark, 33-year-old, using her city-issued credit card 136 times, spending approximately $61,000 in unauthorized charges.

It didn’t end there as she was also found guilty of using her bosses’ credit card at least another 36 times and a coworker’s card five times between November 2015 and March 2017.

The total in unauthorized purchases was over $93,000.

The report didn’t just hit Clark hard, they also found that her department heads also acted negligently, which allowed the city funds to be misspent.

Investigators found that she funded over $40,000 to her personal Paypal account which was linked to her bank account.

They found that $8,500 of the money went to getting the Brazilian butt lift.

Clark’s salary was $33,500 and she was fired in March.

Later that same month she was charged with larceny and scheme to defraud which are both felonies.

According to investigators, Clark was a great employee that would have gotten promotions if she hadn’t stolen from the company and gotten fired.

This was not the first-time employers have had trouble with Clark.

When she worked in Orlando at Hughes Supply she used her human resources position to illegally obtain employees’ banking records and personal information in order to sell it off to a third party.

She was charged with seven felonies in relation to that scam.

Source: Daily Mail

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