A woman who had stopped by her church to pray was accosted by two men who robbed her. They then called three other men over and at gunpoint forced the woman to perform oral sex on three of the men. She told the police that the men forced her to go down the street, where they used a garbage truck as cover. She told the police that the men told her that since she had no money or maybe not enough money, to take off all of her clothes.
They allegedly led her at gunpoint back down the block to 150th Street and Beaver Road where they attacked her behind a garbage truck demanding her wallet.
‘They tell me, ‘you don’t have money so take off your clothes!’ the victim told The New York Daily News. ‘I said, ‘What? In the middle of the street?’
They two men called over three other guys nearby to join them before they forced her to strip naked in the street and demand she perform oral sex on three of the predators.
She claims she tried to scare them away by saying she was HIV-positive – which she is not – but that didn’t even frighten them.
‘They said, ‘if you don’t do that, I’ll shoot you,’ the victim recounted to the Daily News. ‘So I did what I had to do.’
Three of the five young men took turns forcing her to perform the sex act on them, police say. One of the men did run away to return with a condom.
‘You’re a stupid African woman,’ one of the attackers said as he slapped the helpless woman.
After the attack and the group of men fled, the woman ran back to the church, half-naked and crying, her Pastor Kehinde Oyetunde said.
‘She was crying and her face was full of rubbish,’ Oyetunde told the Daily News.
‘She had her clothes in her hands. She said that they pulled a gun on her and took her stuff, then wanted to sleep with her.
‘She lied and told them she was an HIV patient and to please leave her alone.’
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