Renee Beckler had battled halitosis for years and she tried method after method and nothing helped. He was able to track down the root of her problem and it was a little known disease, commonly referred to as tonsil stones. Small particles of food latch on to the tonsil and basically decays there causing bad breath.
A Youtube video explains:
“If you have tonsil stones and they bother you, some people recommend gargling with salt water or other special mouth washes, flushing them out with a water pick or popping them out with something soft like your finger or a cotton swab. “And if the problem gets really severe, your doctor might recommend a tonsillectomy or a procedure to smooth out the tonsil.”
In many cases, according to reports, tonsil stones don’t return once they’re removed. Becker said a procedure known as laser ablation rid her of the foul-smelling stones and ultimately proved successful.
“I had tried everything, so for me, it was the only option,” she said. “And it has proven very effective.”
More information about tonsil stones:
Tonsilloliths may produce no symptoms, or they may be associated with bad breath, or produce pain when swallowing.[4]
Tonsilloliths occur more frequently in teens than in adults or young children. Many small tonsil stones do not cause any noticeable symptoms. Even when they are large, some tonsil stones are only discovered incidentally on X-rays or CAT scans.
Other symptoms include a metallic taste, throat closing or tightening, coughing fits, and choking.
Larger tonsilloliths may cause multiple symptoms, including recurrent halitosis, which frequently accompanies a tonsil infection, sore throat, white debris, a bad taste in the back of the throat, difficulty swallowing, ear ache, and tonsil swelling.[5] A medical study conducted in 2007 found an association between tonsilloliths and bad breath in patients with a certain type of recurrent tonsillitis. Among those with bad breath, 75% of the subjects had tonsilloliths, while only 6% of subjects with normal halitometry values (normal breath) had tonsilloliths. A foreign body sensation may also exist in the back of the throat. The condition may also be an asymptomatic condition, with detection upon palpating a hard intratonsillar or submucosal mass.