Ryan Royse, president of the Tempe Exchange Club, said the memorial has nearly 3,000 flags.
TEMPE – Adriana Sandoval was a kindergartner when the two commercial airliners crashed into the twin towers. The youngster witnessed the atrocities of man through a television screen.
By fourth grade, Sandoval knew what she wanted to be: a combat medic in the Army. She wanted to help those hurt by terrorism and war – the two words she heard frequently in class and over the dinner table most of her life.
However, women couldn’t serve in combat at the time. That changed earlier this year when the armed forces opened up combat positions to women. Sandoval, an Arizona resident, enlisted in the Army and trained to be a combat medic.
On Sunday – the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks – Pfc. Adriana Sandoval donned her full Army fatigues and spent 9.5 hours in the triple-digit heat at the Healing Field in Tempe. She stood and saluted each flag, a symbol representing a victim who perished in the 9/11 attacks.
Ryan Royse, president of the Tempe Exchange Club, said the memorial has nearly 3,000 flags.
“9/11 is the reason I enlisted. It’s what pushed me,” Sandoval said. “I didn’t lose anyone, but then again, we lost everyone.” listen
Sandoval said Sunday was her first time visiting the memorial at Tempe Beach Park, but she plans on paying respect to the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks by saluting each flag every year going forward.
Read the rest: http://cronkitenews.azpbs.org/2016/09/12/arizona-soldier-salutes-3000-flags-during-911-memorial-in-tempe/