[WATCH] Woman Creates A Dress, Using Only The Most Private Of Hair…

A British woman whose goal was to make a dress more hair-raising than Lady Gaga’s infamous meat dress may have succeeded beyond anyone’s expectation.

Sarah Louise Bryan recently unveiled a bra and skirt outfit made from pubic hair donated to her via her Twitter page.

The 28-year-old designer was inspired to create the haute “cooch-ure” design to outdo Lady Gaga’s infamous outfit at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards.

“I really wanted the world’s most unique and disgusting design, so when someone sees a design they know it was me instantly,” she told HuffPost.

Bryan told HuffPost she got the donated hair mostly from British men “plus the odd American,” who sent her the hair in envelopes.

The hair came mostly from brunettes, but there is red and grey pubic hair in the mix as well.

Bryan sterilized the hair before applying it to a pre-cut bra and skirt with hot glue.

Bryan needed six months to get enough pubic hair to create the dress. She kept the donated strands wrapped in cling wrap in the room of her 13-year-old son.

“I didn’t tell him the truth but he has the whole second floor of the house so it’s a big area, the hardest part was keeping all the hair together in one piece,” she told The Huffington Post.

When it came time to put the outfit together, things got hairy: She started gagging while working on the dress.

“I set to work with my eye mask, breathing mask and thickest gloves I could find, because who wants to eat pubic hair?” she said, according to the Sun.

“I thought of the design because of how gross it is. I thought, ‘What would be the worst thing to have on your dress?’”

This isn’t the first time Bryan has created an outfit that has grabbed the fashion world by the short hairs.

Last year, she created a dress made from 3,000 Skittles worth $6,500 that became a viral sensation until it melted earlier this year while being transported to Los Angeles, according to the Birmingham Mail.

Bryan is willing to sell her pubic hair dress, but only for the right price and to the right person.

“I would only sell to a high profile celeb or museum,” she told HuffPost. “I’d have to remake the top to size. I wouldn’t make any wearable art for anyone unless they are high profile. I want to be exclusive. you can only have one if you are someone.”

Meanwhile, Bryan said she has other ideas she’s working on that may be just as shocking if this recent Twitter post is any indication:

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