Waitress Receives Disgusting Note From Black Guy, Responds In Profound Way [VIDEO]

Hundreds of well-wishers donated to waitress who was refused a tip by ‘racist’ black Oxford student because she was white.

Ashleigh Schultz, 24, was reduced to tears when Ntokozo Qwabe – a leader of the campaign to remove a Cecil Rhodes statue at Oxford – and a friend wrote on their cafe bill: ‘We will give tip when you return the land.’

He bragged online that they had made her cry ‘typical white tears’, leaving him ‘unable to stop smiling because something so black and wonderful had happened’.

The incident last week at Obz Cafe in the Western Cape, South Africa, has ignited a backlash against Mr Qwabe, who was branded a racist bully.

Ashleigh Schultz works two waitressing jobs to support her mother who has cancer. Ashleigh’s friends said she had already been feeling low that day as her mother was quite sick.

South African Mr Qwabe is a Rhodes scholar at Oxford University, meaning he receives money from the Rhodes estate to study.

But he is also one of the leaders of the Rhodes Must Fall movement, which wants the statue of the 19th-century imperialist removed from Oriel College.

Roman Cabanac, who hosts a CliffCentral show, began a Twitter campaign that had raised R44,777,70 when closing last night while the GoFundMe page created by Ernst Shea Kruger, a South African living in America, has already raised over R60 000.

The donations were rolling in at such a rapid rate that Ernst had to raise the goal posts several times.

Thousands have condemned him online, labelling him as a racist hypocrite, with some saying that he had become the very thing that he hates. A petition was also created to revoke his scholarship and degree but later shut down for various reasons.

The money will definitely make a difference to Ashleigh in her current situation but more so the acts of kindness show solidarity against racism, hatred and bigotry.

South Africans are again leading the way by uniting behind that which is good and right, proving again the power of the collective spirit of Ubuntu.

Sources: facebookmadworldnews.comdailymail.co.uk

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