[VIDEO] Is Chris Wallace Insinuating Blacks Are Used As Political Props?

Is this what the presidential debate will sound like with Fox News host Chris Wallace moderating?

Wallace pitched a fairly insulting, and to some a racist question to Dr. Ben Carson Sunday because he’s a black Donald Trump supporter.

Trump and Carson made an appearance at a black congregation in Carson’s hometown of Detroit over the weekend.

Clip via Fox News Channel

“Do you worry that you’re being used as a prop for black voters and that supporting Donald Trump will end up hurting your credibility in the black community?” Wallace asked, after observing that some Latinos for Trump quit the campaign after his immigration speech.

It’s not about me,” Carson asserted. “It’s about our nation.”

Trump is saying nothing in his speeches that’s any different from what former President Bill Clinton said in his 1995 State of the Union address, Carson noted.

Read more: http://www.bizpacreview.com/2016/09/04/chris-wallace-insults-ben-carson-worry-youre-used-prop-black-voters-386847#ixzz4JJe3E2oC

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