Vanity License Plate Draws Liberal Outrage, State Investigation Of “Racism” [PHOTO]

Apparently, in the United States, a person can no longer be against the unlawful invasion of illegal aliens without being labeled a racist. Forget the fact that nationality is not a race. Somehow, supporting federal law has become “offensive,” “classless” and “horrific.”

That’s what the social media mob is calling a vanity license plate in Utah, which reads “DEPORTM.”

The plate was thrust into the spotlight by Twitter do-gooder Matt Pacenza, a Salt Lake City English teacher. He posted a photo of it on both Twitter and Facebook last Thursday.

Naturally, the leftist ‘brown shirts’ immediately pounced, causing national attention.

“Hey [Utah Driver License Division), how does this plate I just saw not violate your guidelines?” Pacenza wrote.

The Pluralist reported:

Many commenters wondered how the plate had been approved by authorities or demanded government action. Some managed to link the controversy to President Donald Trump.

On the other hand, a number of Twitter users mocked what they deemed pearl clutching or defended the license plate a form of free speech.

Pacenza told The Associated Press he had spotted the “DEPORTM” license plate on the road while driving and snapped the photo.

He checked online and confirmed that not just anything goes on vanity plates. State rules bar messages that express contempt for any race, religion of political opinion.

“It did jump out at me. I was surprised by it,” Pacenza said. “What you find out right away is they do reject all kinds of plates.”

Three other people told the Salt Lake Tribune they had complained about the license plate as recently as a few weeks ago.

Daniel Thatcher, a Republican state senator, said license plates are state-approved messages as opposed to personal speech, so different rules apply.

“A private citizen has a first amendment right to say offensive things. The State does not, and has rules about license plates,” he said on Twitter last Friday. “I believe those rules have been violated here.”

Thatcher added that the license plate was using “State resources to promote divisiveness and racism” and the state tax commission was investigating.

[Again, other people ask ‘how is this sentiment racist?’ Sure, it’s in poor taste. But a nationality DOES NOT equal race. A man admitting he drove his car into a little girl because she was white, that’s racism. ]

Utah lawmakers were scheduled to question the director of the Division of Motor Vehicles and his boss, the tax commission director, about the license plate at a hearing Wednesday.

However, some Twitter users suggested Utah officials should find better things to do with their time. Even Pacenza questioned the priorities of the national media.

“I’m glad authorities agree this hateful message doesn’t belong on a license plate, but aren’t there MUCH more important stories out there to cover, esp nationally?” he asked on Twitter Sunday.

Sassy Liberty

Sassy Liberty is a political writer for the better part of a decade. She has been vocal for years on social media concerning the communist agenda that has infiltrated our country. She is an advocate for medical freedom, homeschooling, and defunding the woke culture. Do you want to stop the war on kids and defund the commie agenda?

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