Trump Just Dropped A Major ANVIL On The Border That Will Send The Caravan Scrambling!

Personally, I have a lot of friends that live very close to the border and I have to say that whenever I get the chance to travel and visit the the topic of border security is almost as frequent as how how it is.

It’s getting to the point where you can’t even really trust the government to do anything about the situation because the are tying the hands of border patrol agents in some respect.

It’s like someone that was tying to fill a water bucket that was three gallons with four gallons of water and then complaining that there was water that splashed over the top of the bucket.

The border crisis has gone beyond the breaking point. But what does that really mean?

It means that even with the wall being built and thousands of troops at the border, thousands of border jumpers are still getting in every day.


Without a complete wall, countless border jumpers can slip through. There aren’t enough soldiers or Border officers to stand watch.

So, Americans are taking up Trump’s call and doing their part to secure the border.

From Fox News: An armed right-wing militia group operating along the U.S.-Mexico border posted several videos to social media this week, including one in which they held about 200 asylum-seeking migrants at gunpoint near Sunland Park, N.M., until U.S. Border Patrol agents arrived, according to a report.

An armed militia in New Mexico is doing what Democrats refuse: protecting our border.

Remember when Trump called for a human wall at the border? He called for whatever was necessary to stop the crisis, and wanted ordinary Americans to help out.

Do you think they deserve punishment—or a big thank you?

These men refuse to let border jumps run over their communities and insult our laws. To that end, they apprehended a whopping 200 migrants who snuck in.

Even with National Guardsmen providing support, there are still thousands of miles of undefended border.

Often, we hear about border jumpers crossing over into private property. Some border towns in New Mexico and Texas are being trampled by outsiders—potentially dangerous people.

Some of these places are run by Democrats who look the other way.

What can Americans do but fight to protect themselves?

The New Mexico governor is angry at the militia. She claims these men have no authority to arrest anyone.

Sorry, lady, but Americans have the right to protect their homes from invaders. If you are too cowardly or corrupt to do it, they will take the law into their own hands.

We might not be far from seeing militias take the fight to the border. It will get ugly, but this is what Democrats have brought us to.

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