The Clintons Are Pounded By Bad News. Could This Be The Final Nail In Their Coffin

For a country so divided, there’s probably one emotion that applies to all Americans right now – shock. Shock for the people in the bubble like us (if you’re reading this, odds are high you’re in the bubble too) that Hillary Clinton lost. Shock for Donald Trump’s supporters that he actually won. How and why are questions that will probably be studied and debated for decades to come, but here’s an initial stab at it.

Because the Clinton family is aligned to a for-profit university, the IRS is not looking kindly on them. And the people on the left are already groaning because they know the Clintons are going to be hit hard from this mistake.

This new bombshell is only one part of the onslaught the Clintons will need to endure in regard to their pay-to-play Clinton Foundation enterprise. Only those dignitaries with enough money gain the favor of the Clintons – and the IRS is not a fan of that type of elitist and snobby mentality.

The Read Conservative reported that Laureate International Universities, the globe’s largest for-profit college organization has multiple ties with the Clinton Foundation. They even named Bill Clinton its “honorary chancellor.” And guess how much he got paid for that title? He got $18 million while the school’s affiliated non-profit limb received millions in taxpayer grants while Hillary was Obama’s Secretary of State. This was just an elaborate Ivy League plan to scrounge as much money as possible from the liberal government – all at cost to you, the taxpayer.

In 2010, Bill was put on the Laureate’s payroll. Then he took home a smooth $17.6 million over the next five years. Meanwhile Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “made Laureate part of her State Department Global Partnership,” reported ‘Clinton Cash‘ author and Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer.

The State Department tried to hide their scheme, but miserably failed. They funneled tens of millions into the International Youth Foundation, in essence a money laundering organization chaired by Laureate founder and CEO Douglas Becker.

Hillary Clinton used her high station in government to indirectly enrich her family. You have been unknowingly lining the Clintons’ pockets every time you paid taxes during Obama’s presidency.

According to an analysis by Bloomberg: “In 2009, the year before Bill Clinton joined Laureate, the nonprofit received 11 grants worth $9 million from the State Department or the affiliated USAID.”

“In 2010, the group received 14 grants worth $15.1 million. In 2011, 13 grants added up to $14.6 million. The following year, those numbers jumped: IYF received 21 grants worth $25.5 million, including a direct grant from the State Department.”

That sounds like typical crooked Clinton behavior to me. Do you think they should be locked up?

What do you think should happen to the Clintons? How hard should the IRS punish them?

Sources: AWM

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