Some children in Red Rose, Texas, have recently started getting a little more attention from their parents thanks to a note recently posted to the door of their daycare.
Juliana Mazurkewicz, a parent whose child attends the daycare, posted a photo of the note to Facebook on January 27th, and the photo has been shared over a million times.
The note reads:
“You are picking up your child! Get off your phone!!! Your child is happy to see you! Are you happy to see your child?? We have some children trying to hand their parents their work they completed and the parent is on the phone. We have heard a child say “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy…” and the parent is paying more attention to their phone than their own child. It is appalling. Get off your phone!!”
Mazurkewicz, who didn’t want to name the daycare, says the business director seemed surprised by the attention.
“She asked if it had a lot of negativity or not, and we told her that it was pretty mixed,” Mazurkewicz told The Daily Caller. “Some people are very happy and agree, and some people think that the daycare shouldn’t tell them how to behave.”
The sign was taped to the door last Friday. It’s still there.
“I can tell you that the owner posted it after long frustration with the issue,” Mazurkewicz said. “I haven’t heard any other parent’s opinions.”
She also hasn’t seen any of them playing Candy Crush.
“I haven’t seen any parents on their phone since the sign was posted.”
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