Dr Sandra Lee, aka DR Pimple Popper removes a really gross black cyst from a man’s back. Even the pus is dark black as opposed to the normal white or...
This is the biggest neck cyst I have ever seen and the video of the draining of that cyst made me a little queasy despite watching videos like this every...
Pimple and cyst popping has become a major event with millions upon millions of viewers. It’s like watching a Nancy Pelosi or Maxine Waters’ speech, or following a drunk driver...
Ok kiddies, it’s time for another gross video of a cyst in need of popping by none other than Dr Geoff Butler. The cyst which is found in the middle...
This is definitely one of the grossest pimple pops of all time. Even those who love these videos find this one quite disturbing as massive amounts of gook comes...