Wed. Sep 11th, 2024

Radical Seattle City Councilmember VOWS to Overthrow the United States and Replace It With….

Communist Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant (Socialist Alternative) gave a victory speech Tuesday night after passage by the city council of the so-called Amazon Tax in which she vowed to overthrow the United States, replacing the government and society with a “socialist world”.

Sawant, 46, immigrated from India as an adult with a B.S. in computer science from the University of Mumbai received in 1994. Once in the U.S., Sawant earned a Ph.D in economics from North Carolina State University and became a U.S. citizen in 2010. Sawant has served on the Seattle City Council since 2014.

Lest anyone think this is hyperbole, here is the close of Sawant’s speech:

We are coming to dismantle this deeply oppressive, racist, sexist, violent, utterly bankrupt system of capitalism, this police state.

We cannot and will not stop until we overthrow it and replace it with a world based instead on solidarity, genuine democracy, and equality – a socialist world.

Before Sawant vowed to over the the United States, she threatened Amazon owner Jeff Bezos “and his class”, saying “we are coming for you and your rotten system.”

I have a message for Jeff Bezos and his class.

If you attempt again to overturn the Amazon Tax, working people will go all out in the thousands to defeat you.

And we will not stop there.

Because you see, we are fighting for far more than this tax, we are preparing the ground for a different kind of society.

And if you, Jeff Bezos, want to drive that process forward by lashing out against us in our modest demands, then so be it.


By Sassy Liberty

Sassy Liberty is a political writer for the better part of a decade. She has been vocal for years on social media concerning the communist agenda that has infiltrated our country. She is an advocate for medical freedom, homeschooling, and defunding the woke culture. Do you want to stop the war on kids and defund the commie agenda?

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6 thoughts on “Radical Seattle City Councilmember VOWS to Overthrow the United States and Replace It With….”
  1. Pelosi must absolutely adore this bitch, actually she has to because she is probably her illegitimate daughter. Now taking into account that she is now an American citizen and has the luxury of free speech I still think she should be tried and found guilty under the patriot act or whatever it would take to get her off the streets and put away.. Let her try doing this in Russia and I reckon she would be ‘disappeared’. I cannot and will not say we should stop all immigration but, we need to better vet the applicants. I’ve known many immigrants that came to America just after WW1 and became thankful and LOYAL and productive citizens. I was blessed to have been born here in the best country in the world and I am getting heart weary watching these pseudo Americans and the liberals trying their damnedness to tear this country down. Hey bitch, the devil loves you and has a nice warm spot reserved for you. Don’t keep him waiting. GOD Bless America and keep our nation safe from the likes of her !!!!

  2. Well, “lady”. Seattle is about to collapse — a great start for your socialist planet! Please self-deport to Venezuela — or you may end up there involuntarily.

  3. Someone who can’t value our Flag, our Country or our Constitution would be a Traitor to this country and immediately and properly stretched at the neck. She wants to be a communist example in this country. I ask you to respect the angle of the dangle…

  4. Replace this traitorous DOB with someone that cares more about the people than party or dictatorships. We will never allow this in this country. We have spilled a lot of blood all through our nation’s history to remain free as a republic by the people and for the people. Democrats say they want a democracy, well, most of the countries in Europe are democracies and they are not as free as a republic. That is what makes our country so much better, run by the people, not politicians or kings or queens.

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