Racism Seeking Liberals Now Calling Picture Of Coal Miners Racist!

Some jobs are dirty and there’s nothing you can do about it. Many of us have worked several of them.

There was a graphite ring factory that I worked at many years ago where there was a bar about a block away from the factory. After the first shift would let out in the afternoon you would go in and you would see the owner of the bar tell the guys coming in that they could have any seat that they wanted at the bar but not the booths.

The reason is that some of the guys wouldn’t shower off after their shift and would still have graphite dust in their clothes to add to it. He would apparently place these giant towels on the bar stools so it covered them like a tablecloth so the material wouldn’t get ingrained with graphite dust. It’s the reason why nobody wore a pair of work jeans that cost more than ten dollars to that job.

The point is that you will see service industry type places near factories and whatnot where it may not be the cleanest looking place because of the fact that they have clients who work a very dirty job.

Now, if someone saw a white towel on the bar stool they’d probably claim racism or something because let’s face it there are people that flat out go looking for it..

Via Daily Wire:

The New York Times isn’t the only outlet claiming white people with soot on their faces are actually portraying “blackface.” For the Times, it was Mary Poppins and the chimney sweepers.

For an opinion writer for the Arizona Central, part of USA Today, it was a photo of blue-collar workers having a drink after work.

Opinion contributor Rashaad Thomas says he was in Phoenix recently at a holiday party. The restaurant he was in had photographs on the wall, as many do, but one in particular stood out to him. This photo showed a group of seven or so coal miners, covered head to toe in soot, their faces blackened to varying degrees, drinking beer at a pub. The photo also shows one man who doesn’t appear to be covered in soot and an unhappy woman.

Thomas’ friends told him, “It’s coal miners at a pub after work.” He “asked a Latinx and white woman for their opinion.” The two said the photo appeared to be of coal workers having a drink after work.

This didn’t sit well with Thomas, who asked to speak to a manager.

“Instead, I spoke with a white restaurant owner. I explained to him why the photograph was offensive. Evidently, someone else had made a similar comment about the photograph before,” Thomas wrote.

This owner apparently told Thomas he would speak to other restaurant owners about the photo. Thomas asked him, while leaving, if he had done so yet. No, he had not immediately rushed to phone other restaurant owners during the holiday season about a complaint over an old photo of coal miners.

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