Mother ‘Vomiting For Days’ After What She Discovered Inside Popular Beverage Container [PHOTOS]

A mom left vomiting for days after drinking a popular beverage, Vita Coco Pure Coconut Water.

A mother in Goshen, New York experienced diarrhea and illness after finding an “octopus looking thing” in her coconut water.

Barbara Evelyn Marie shared a photo of the strange object on social media after finding it in Vita Coco’s Pure Coconut Water, which she bought from a local grocery store. She reportedly drank almost the entire bottle of water before she found the object.

ew much

“I feel absolutely sick to my stomach even talking about it,’ said Barbara, who works in the medical field,” she told the Daily Mail. “I know there is some type of animal in there. I’ve got a told it look like a mouse, I got told it looks like a squid, I got told it looks like a bunch of things that’s why I would like for somebody to get it tested for me that has more authority than me. All I want is somebody to see it for themselves and understand that this is not right. I understand that products get moldy and products get missed package and sometimes spoil but this is just too much for me.”

Barbara told of the moment she made the grim discovery after deciding to open the carton.

She said: “I immediately dumped out all the water. I shook it because I heard stuff bouncing around.

“I opened it with a knife and that’s when I discovered the octopus-looking thing.

“There were four of them all together, maybe five and I swallowed one of them.”


Barbara said she visited doctors and required blood tests as a result of her sickness.

She has now sent a clump of the object – along with her doctor’s notes – to the company and is hoping to find out what it really is.

But she also kept some of the clumps and packaging with the aim of getting them independently examined.


A spokesman for Vita Coco said: “We have been in touch with the consumer, Barbara Marie, multiple times since April 26, 2017.

“We take all consumer inquiries and product quality issues very seriously, and as a global brand have protocols to properly investigate quality inquiries.

“We asked Ms Marie for the product information for this unit on April 26, 2017, so that we could report the issue to quality control and investigate it further, but only received that information on Friday, May 5, 2017.

“As it stands now, we are reviewing Ms Marie’s claim thoroughly so we can assist her in the best manner possible.

“Vita Coco employs the highest standards of food safety at all its production facilities and our beverages are quality- and food safety-tested internally, and also by an external quality control specialist, before being distributed.

“However, because Vita Coco beverages do not contain preservatives, on rare occasion, random spoilage may occur.

“This is what we are investigating now with Ms Marie.”

Food and beverage companies are supposed to have safeguards in place to protect the consumer. You can never be too careful, and as consumers, we need to be on the lookout.



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