A 28 year old male teacher lured a 10 year old boy into his classroom with Gummy Bears before kissing him on the lips. Unfortunately for the Boca Raton teacher, the whole thing was caught on video. Brian Kornbluth was charged with battery and he pleaded guilty and received a year of probation. They accused him of trading Gummy Bears for a kiss.
A Florida teacher was caught on surveillance cameras kissing a 10-year-old boy on the lips inside an empty classroom.
Brian Kornbluth, 28, pleaded guilty to a battery charge last week after he was caught on camera kissing the student at Somerset Academy charter school in Boca Raton, Florida.
The teacher, who was arrested back in February following the incident, was accused of trading gummy bears for kisses at the school.
The 11-second video, which was released on Tuesday and was used by police as evidence, shows Kornbluth in a classroom with the boy, CBS12 reports.
The boy, whose image is blurred, could be seen approaching Kornbluth before they appeared to embrace quickly and then separated.
Kornbluth was caught out when another teacher became suspicious after he had requested certain male students to be in his class.
The 10-year-old victim’s sister had told police that she and her brother went to Kornbluth’s classroom to get gummy bears when he kissed both of them on the lips.
Kornbluth admitted to kissing the young boy but not his sister, according to his arrest report.
He is now serving a year of probation after pleading guilty to the battery charge.