Jemma Beale, a self proclaimed lesbian has made 15 false accusations of rape in just 3 years. When confronted with lies she told, she rushed from the courtroom. The evidence is overwhelming that she was accusing men simply to get them in trouble with the law.
A lesbian who allegedly made 15 false sex attack allegations in three years stormed out of court today when she was accused of leading two men to a garage for sex.
Jemma Beale’s allegations led to one man, Mahan Cassim, being jailed for seven years following a retrial at Isleworth Crown Court in January 2012.
Beale, 25, claimed Mr Cassim raped her after giving her a lift home in November 2010.
Beale told police she was groped by a stranger, Noam Shazad, in a pub in July 2012 before he took part in a gang rape on her.
Mr Shazad skipped bail and fled the country after being charged with sexual assault.
Beale then made false complaints against six other men in 2013, Southwark Crown Court heard.
She claimed two strangers sexually assaulted her close to her home in Ashford, Middlesex, before she was put through another gang rape attack by four other men two months later.
Two of the men identified by Beale – Luke Williams and Steven McCormack – were arrested and interviewed but never charged with any offence.
But in the days before the alleged assault, Mr McCormack said Beal had threatened to get him into trouble with the police.
In a garbled message whispered to a friend before she left the party with Williams, she allegedly said: ‘He’s good with his hands. He just tried to rape me upstairs but I’d rather it happened to me than to you.’
She also said: ‘It’s a okay, I can knock him out and I have that emergency thing [a 999 app] on my phone.’
Prosecutor John Price QC told Beale: ‘You were already planning what you were about to do – accuse him of attacking you.
The prosecution say that Beale had consensual sex with Williams on the night of the alleged attack, but say that no-one else was there.
Beale made her first rape complaint on the morning of 26 November 2010, when she told police she had been attacked by Mr Cassim the previous night.
She said she had been out with a friend when she accepted a lift home from Mr Cassim, who then raped her.
Mr Cassim was convicted on a retrial at Isleworth Crown Court in January 2012.
I don’t know about you but if Emily Ratajkowski said she was raped 15 times in 3 years, I could believe it but with this broad I wouldn’t believe she was raped once, would you?