Landlord Fined $12,000 For Not Taking Shoes Off in House He Owns

In what has to be one of the most idiotic fines of my lifetime, a Canadian man has been fined under Sharia Law to the tune of $12,000 ($6,000 for him and $6,000 for her) because he didn’t take his shoes off as he showed the place to perspective new tenants.  In a house HE OWNS!!!  Other countries have bent over backwards for Muslims, Canadians are bending over forward.  Not taking off his shoes is now a hate crime in Canada.

 Canadians have finally succumbed to pressure from the politically correct left and begun instituting official policies that punish non-Muslims for a new crime – offending people of the Islamic faith.

The latest case is a 53-year-old Christian, John Alabi, a Toronto landlord who was found by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal to have discriminated against his Muslim tenants.

His crime?

He failed to remove his shoes when he entered their apartment to show it to prospective tenants after they had given notice to vacate.

His fine?

$12,000 – six thousand to the husband and the wife each, plus interest, for not following a Muslim rule even though he is a Christian.

“What about my rights?” asked Alabi. “What about my rights to show my place so I could rent it and put food on the table for my family?”

The father of three has sold the rental house and says he incurred thousands of dollars in legal fees and lost time from work.

“I don’t have the money. I work very hard. If they go into my bank account right now, I don’t have $12,000 there,” says Alabi, the father of three who is expected to pay dearly for a transgression against a rule he didn’t even know existed.

Apart from being shocked by the fundamental unfairness of the ruling of the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, it should serve as a cautionary tale for Americans who believe that nothing like that could happen in the U.S.

H/T US Herald


Steven Ahle

I have been the editor and writer for Red Statements and The PC Graveyard. Won the 2014 FJN Journalist of the Year Award. Author of six fiction books available on "I am a troll bridge. You can cross me but you will pay the price"

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