Jeb Bush Speaks Up About What Donald Trump Did After His Dad’s Death

Anyone that has had the horrible misfortune of losing a parent knows exactly what the bush children went though late last year

It’s that kind of feeling where a person is sort of wondering how the world continues because to be quite honest most of us don’t know how the world operates without our parents in it.

Remembering back to a couple of years ago when my mother passed away suddenly I can tell you that it was a punch in the stomach that mentally you are looking for any bit of relief from, even if just for a moment.

Which is why it’s always good to hear from anyone that has a kind word after a member of your family passes.

George H.W. Bush and Donald Trump did not see eye to eye on all that many things politically or ideologically. That being said, his family doesn’t have anything to do with their disagreements. They are grieving and knowing that there is a time and a place for everything.

President Trump has been exemplary in his conduct towards the Bush family in what must be an extremely terribly time for them.

From Breitbart:

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush praised President Donald Trump on Tuesday for his gracious response to the Bush family after the death of George H.W. Bush.

Jeb Bush said that Trump called him after his father died and “couldn’t have been nicer.”

Trump’s former rival for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 spoke about his father’s death and President Trump during a Wall Street Journal event in Washington, DC.

He said that his granddaughters joined First Lady Melania Trump and other members of the Bush family on Tuesday to visit the White House and tour the Christmas decorations.

Jeb added that both the president and the first lady were “really gracious” to the family.

He acknowledged that Trump was not delivering the eulogy for his father but said that George W. Bush had “first dibs.”

“What people want to talk about is, well, why isn’t the president giving the eulogy?’” he said. “It’s because we have a unique circumstance here: my brother was president.”

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