Like the majority of you, there was a day at one time or another where we all had to go home from school or it was canceled outright from the weather.
One time, I can recall when I was in high school where we were sent home early even though it was bright and sunny out. What happened was that the night before some old tires got on fire at the bus garage near the school. A window got let open at the school and the stink of burning tires got into the building making everyone sick.
I tell you that to tell you this, the Biden Administration’s whole COVID response is one big tire fire…
Can you remember a single time when a school was closed–not due to a virus, but due to the ‘vaccine’ meant to prevent the side effects of a virus? Well, it is happening now, and few if any national outlets are reporting on it.
Vaccines have been around for hundreds of years since Edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur. However, not in anyone’s recent memory have vaccines caused the fantastic percentage of negative side effects as these new ‘novel’ and very experimental biological technologies being passed off as vaccines, today.
You are supposed to accept that because these new therapeutics are injected in a similar way to vaccines that they should be thought of the same way. However, what is in the inoculations is quite different, and their biological mechanisms are much different as well.
This is completely unknown territory for humans, who are being used as guinea pigs on a global scale for these untested expensive novel technologies which have no long-term trials. In fact, short-term testing is also often truncated or altered in favor of expedience.
And manufacturers are left with no responsibility for any negative side effects while keeping all their profits.
In fact, Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates are already planning to foist a third injection on everyone in order to combat a variant of the virus. This is despite the fact that virus mutation is part of nature and not at all unique or particularly frightening with respect to the Wuhan CCP Virus, which has already had 100s of documented unremarkable variants requiring no special immunities.
Think it will end with a third shot even though mutations are endless?