• July 26, 2024

Sahara Desert Gets First Snowfall In 37 YEARS, So Much For Global Warming

 Sahara Desert Gets First Snowfall In 37 YEARS, So Much For Global Warming

The Sahara Desert experienced its first snowfall in thirty-seven years, according to images taken Monday afternoon.

It is the first time since February 1979 that snow has fallen in Ain Sefra, Algeria, a town in the Sahara Desert, the Daily Mail reports.

The last time it snowed in the area, the snow lasted for about an hour. This time, the snow remained for a day.


Karim Bouchetata, an amateur photographer, captured the images of the snowfall on the red sand dunes.

“Everyone was stunned to see snow falling in the dessert [sic], it is such a rare occurrence,” Bouchetata said. “It looked amazing as the snow settled on the sand and made a great set of photos,” he added.

The Telegraph reports that snow on sand dunes is rare, but is a more common occurrence on Saharan mountain ranges.

The Sahara Desert spans across most of Northern Africa and has shifted in temperature throughout the past hundred-thousand years.

Experts say the desert will become green again in about 15,000 years.

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