YouTuber Kris Honey recently uploaded the pimple-popping video to end all pimple-popping videos. It features her 11-year-old daughter’s enormous ear zit in the starring role.
“My 11 year old daughter had this ear zit for 6 years. We thought it was scar tissue…until her curiosity took over,” Kris posted to YouTube.
In the video, a woman in the background, presumably the girl’s mother, explains the teen has had the growth on her ear since she was little. It wasn’t until that moment she tried to pop it.
Once she begins to pop it, a string of dried pus starts to ooze out. Though the mother and daughter originally thought the ear growth was scar tissue, the two quickly realized it was a pimple all along after they popped it, BuzzFeed reports.
The girl continues to squeeze pus from the pimple for six minutes until it finally begins to run out, Cosmopolitan reports.
Though reaction to the video was mainly that of disgust, some healthcare professionals commented and urged the girl to see a doctor so the pimple does not return.
“Nurse chiming in here…,” one YouTube comment read. “…bring her to a derm to have it excised out. If you leave the sac, it will return.”
Others stated that the growth was not a pimple, and instead was an earpit.
“Its not a zit, it’s an earpit and they are there from birth as far as I know,” one comment said. “I’ve had mine since birth and it fills up sometimes but I just squeeze the stuff out and I’m fine. I also think [hers] was infected because it shouldn’t look like that.”
Sources: Cookingpanda, Buzzfeed
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