Gardener Uses Epsom Salt In Ways I Never Thought Of. These Tips Can Help Any Garden

Epsom salt is well known for its versatility in use around the house. There’s so much you can do with it! But did you know there are also tons of ways to use it around the garden?

It’s a great source of magnesium sulfate and is pH neutral– which makes it harmless to your soil. Those who use Epsom salt in gardening often apply it to peppers, tomatoes, and roses. Especially for plants that are magnesium deficient, Epsom salt helps to produce more flowers in your garden, along with higher yields and greener plants.

Here is a list of some wonderful ways that you could use Epsom salt in your gardening!

  • Aid Seed Germination

The magnesium in Epsom salt improves the germination process by helping to strengthen cell walls. This leads to seedlings that end up stronger. All you have to do is spread 1 cup of Epsom salt for every 100 square feet of soil. You can also mix 1 or 2 tablespoons in the hole that you would plant seeds into.

  • Grow Sweeter Tomatoes

Grab an empty gallon sized container and fill it with warm water. Then mix 1 tablespoon into the container and water your plants with the mixture every 2 weeks. Plants that have magnesium deficiencies tend to be less sweet, which is why Epsom salt can be useful. It’s also a cost effective source of magnesium.

  • And Grow Greener Plants

Magnesium also helps your plants produce more chlorophyll, which can help your plants grow greener. This might be familiar to you as it’s commonly known that plants with yellowing leaves are magnesium deficient. Just spread some Epsom salt around the base of your plants for healthier leaves and better looking plants. Add the salt once per month and use 1 tablespoon for every 12 inches of height.

  • Avoid Fertilizers With Chemicals

Plant roots that take in nutrients such as phosphorous, nitrogen, and sulfur are able to absorb more nutrients when they have a higher magnesium concentration. This is why Epsom salt is useful in aiding the nutrient gathering process for your garden. It also helps you avoid using fertilizers with chemicals because the purpose of them are often to help your roots gather more nutrients anyways– which is something that can be achieved by Epsom salt, a more natural solution.

  • Grow Higher Yields of Peppers

The magnesium content in soil can become depleted as it is absorbed by a plant, and the substance is also necessary for pepper growth. Just spread some Epsom salt around the base of your pepper plants and you’ll notice more yields of peppers!

  • Grow Brighter, More Vibrant Roses

If you soak your rose plant roots in half a cup of Epsom salt that’s mixed into one gallon of water, and then sprinkle some salt into the hold that you’ll place your plant into. Then add a thin layer of soil atop of the salt and place the rose plant inside. The increased chlorophyll production will help your roses grow with richer and more vibrant color!

  • Grow Greener Grass

For those you who go for beautiful gardens that incorporate grass or your lawn perhaps, spreading Epsom salt around can be a great way to green it up. This is because, as mentioned above, the magnesium and sulfates in the salt aid in the production of chlorophyl for plants.

  • Keep Plants Growing After Heavy Soil Use

Reusing your soil can be efficient but it can also become depleted of its natural vitamins. Among ingredients that occur naturally in soil but can become deficient are magnesium and sulfates. This is why using Epsom salt can help you get the most out of your soil.

  • Grow A Healthy Garden Off The Bat

If you’re not an experience gardener, or perhaps you’re creating a new one, using epsom salt can you help ensure it grows healthy right off the bat. When adding your soil, just spread 1 cup for ever hundred square feet. Mix the salt into your soil before planting your plants.

Sources: Natural Living Ideas, Best Plants, Epsom Salt Council, Harvest To Table, Home & Gardening Ideas

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