For the First Time in History, Muslim Call to Prayer Will Be Blasted Over Outdoor Speaker Five Times a Day Throughout Month of Ramadan

For the first time in the history of Minnesota, the Muslim call to prayer was broadcast over an outdoor speaker placed over the rooftop of Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque in Cedar-Riverside neighborhood.

The “adhan” will be broadcast five times a day throughout the month of Ramadan, which began Thursday night.

“This is a historic moment tonight for us to be celebrating the first call to prayer, adhan, in a major city in the United States,” said Sheikh Abdisalam Adam, board chairman of Islamic Civic Society of America & Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque, the Sahan Journal reported.

CAIR, the unindicted co-conspirator of the largest terrorist funding case in US history, worked in partnership between the city of Minneapolis and the Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque to make sure the Muslim call to prayer was blasted over a loudspeaker so people in the neighborhood can hear it during the Coronavirus lockdown.

“Tonight’s historic call to prayer in Minneapolis will bring comfort and remind the faithful and the neighborhood that as we are physically distant we can still be connected to our faith and mosque,” said CAIR Minnesota Executive Director Jaylani Hussein.


Muslims have been flexing their muscle since government officials have ordered authoritarian lockdown orders across the country.


Sassy Liberty

Sassy Liberty is a political writer for the better part of a decade. She has been vocal for years on social media concerning the communist agenda that has infiltrated our country. She is an advocate for medical freedom, homeschooling, and defunding the woke culture. Do you want to stop the war on kids and defund the commie agenda?

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