Every Nanny They Hired Instantly QUIT Because Of Something Inside Their House

We have all had jobs in the past or have been in situations where we agreed to do something for someone who seemed like they were asking a lot.

Give you an example of someone that wasn’t asking a lot. When I got out of the military, I had about two months of paid leave.

My grandmother asked me to stay at her house during that time to take care of her house while she was recovering from surgery in a long-term care facility.

Her one request was that I not make long-distance phone calls. So I did the smart thing and bought a prepaid calling card. That’s a reasonable request.

If she had asked me not to use the bathroom before noon, that would have been an unreasonable condition or even a remarkably strange one.

Here’s a story about one of the strangest conditions for a job that I have ever heard.

A family over in Scotland had made an offer to hire a live-in nanny who had probably one of the best benefits packages I have ever heard of. The pay was also equivalent to around seventy thousand dollars.

There was one problem though, they would hire a nanny and within a very short time, every last one of them would quit.

The reason: the house was haunted. No, I am not joking.

The family lived in an old house and while they loved it, they quickly realized that the house was haunted by some kind of malevolent spirit.

Your opinion on ghosts being real or not may vary, but at the end of the day if you have that kind of thought in your head if living somewhere that’s supposedly haunted is a condition of employment; then you might think twice about taking the job.

So this family actually took a negative and somehow turned it into a positive. They put an ad out for a nanny position once they realized why so many were quitting after a few months of advertising that the house was haunted.

They got nearly two thousand applicants from people who thought it was actually going to be pretty cool to live in a haunted house. Takes different kinds I guess…

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