The majority of the millennial generation has left many people concerned for the future. The world has witnessed their over-the-top temper tantrums and need for safe spaces when someone does not agree with them. While most of this behavior can be traced back to shoddy parenting and being overindulged as youngsters, it begs the question as where does it end?
At one point people thought that once these entitled brats went off to college they would learn the harsh lesson of life. However, that could not be further than the truth as colleges and their professors are coddling them from the harsh realities of life.
Now a recent video has surfaced that shows a college professor being dragged off a plane. Why? Because she would not comply with the boarding procedures. But how authorities were forced to remove her is what is the most hilarious part. Since she refused to comply, she had to be dragged by her ankles, while kicking and screaming much to the shock of everyone on the plane.
“We’ve learned she had blown past the gate agent, boarding unlawfully, refusing to properly check her bags and then refused to get up and leave the aircraft. All the while she was cursing at responding officers who begged her to walk out on her own,” reports ABC Detroit(WXYZ).
This is absolutely disgusting behavior and sadly, I am not shocked by it at all.
What we watched on this video is the exact same thing you would see a child do when they are trouble. What is also disturbing is that there is no reason for this reaction at all besides that she did not want to follow the rules.
To think that this woman is a professor and is in charge of molding young minds for the future. No wonder we are in the position we are in today, with all these entitled snowflakes graduating colleges. Hopefull it will change once we have a strong leader again.
H/T [ College Fix ]
Seeing as how the officers are white and she is black, I’m sure she’ll also be screaming racism.
This is why I think there should be a new type no-fly list. Have one that puts a limited time bar from flying, such as 6 months to 2 years depending on the severity of their misconduct.