Drinking Glass Ends Up In Man’s Behind, Then Things Take A Horrific Turn

An abusive man was lucky to escape serious injury after a drinking glass he had shoved up his anus for pleasure shattered.

According to a case report published June 2 on BMJ Case Reports, a 47-year-old Italian man self-inserted a drinking glass into his anus. The glass became lodged in his rectum and broke after the man attempted to remove it himself.

Upon physical examination, there was no evidence of abdominal guarding or bleeding from the man’s rectum. Abdominal and pelvic X-rays were performed to verify the presence of a broken glass, which was approximately 3 inches by 2 inches in size.

According to the Daily Mail, the unnamed patient is believed to be from Milan, Italy. He reportedly told doctors he inserted the glass in his anus for sexual stimulation.

It was two days after the glass was inserted that the man sought medical attention. He was reportedly not in pain and only sought help because he was worried about his safety.

An X-ray showed the glass in his rectum, its bottom-side facing up.

The man, who had a history of cocaine abuse, was taken into surgery. Doctors dilated his rectum, which made the passage wider so they could insert an examination device. Sharp fragments of the glass were extracted, and forceps were used to remove the remainder of the glass.

The man complained of abdominal pain after the procedure, but doctors found that all of the fragments of glass had been removed.

Doctors offered the man psychiatric help, but he refused and was released from the hospital the day after surgery. Three months later, his health was reportedly fully restored.

Doctors wrote in the report that objects becoming stuck in the rectum is not uncommon:

“A variety of objects impacted in the rectum have been described: bottles, sex toys, vegetables, etc. Generally, patients with rectal foreign bodies (RFB) try to retrieve the objects by themselves because of shame and embarrassment to seek medical care, but the majority fail in these attempts and eventually present to the emergency room.”

They suggest that patients with RFBs should be treated with respect and a non-condemnatory attitude. And, “prior to discharge, patients should be educated on the potential dangers of their habit.”

Website Homosexual has collected X-rays shared by doctors of patients who have had various types of items inserted into their anus, and thus required medical attention for their removal. The items include: a beer bottle, a cellular phone, a gun, a body spray canister, a house key, a flashlight, a peanut butter jar, a tiny toy car, a billiards ball, and a pint glass.

X-ray Of Drinking Glass In Man's Rectum
X-ray Of Drinking Glass In Man’s Rectum


Source: Opposingviews.com

Steven Ahle

I have been the editor and writer for Red Statements and The PC Graveyard. Won the 2014 FJN Journalist of the Year Award. Author of six fiction books available on Amazon.com "I am a troll bridge. You can cross me but you will pay the price"

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