This week, the first decisions by the newest Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch has accomplished two major goals of conservatives across America. First, Gorsuch’s decisions were consistent with the US Constitution and secondly got liberals screaming bloody murder. Liberals abhor judges who use the constitution as a guide rather than their extreme liberal ideological ideas.
Democrats are depressed after the first Supreme Court decisions featuring newly-installed Justice Neil Gorsuch were released this week confirmed that he is every bit as conservative as Republicans had hoped at his nomination.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the ranking Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, told Politico: “We’ve got another Scalia.” She was referring to the late Justice Antonin Scalia, a hero to conservatives and a leading light of the originalist school of jurisprudence, who passed away last year and whose seat Gorsuch has just filled.
One prime example of the disinformation already being put out by democrats is exemplified by this statement issued by Sen Richard Blumenthal (D) Ct:
“On the travel ban, I think he’s fulfilling the worst expectations so far of his opponents and probably the best hopes of his supporters.”
By reading this, you might assume that Gorsuch was the deciding vote on Trump’s travel ban, but the decision was unanimous. So why isn’t Blumenthal calling out the Supreme Court liberals for treason?
Politico adds that Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) called Gorsuch “the tool of the creepy billionaire coalition.”
Meanwhile, according to Politico, Republicans were exultant, with Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) calling Gorsuch “awesome,” and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) declaring Gorsuch was “exactly what we hoped for and expected.”
In general, the pattern is otherwise: judges with conservative track records frequently become more liberal after being nominated, thanks to pressure from the media, the liberal legal fraternity, and their colleagues on the bench.
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