Wed. Sep 11th, 2024

Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy: White People Should Shine Shoes of Black People to Express Shame for Racism

(Gateway Pundit) – Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy appeared at Passion City Church in Atlanta on Sunday where he shined the shoes of a black man, Christian rapper and music business owner Lecrae to atone for racism and urged other white people to do the same.

Cathy told of being inspired several years ago by the story of a young man at a Texas church revival who shined the shoes of an elderly black man at the revival over his feelings about racism in his hometown.

The Media Research Center posted video:

Afterward Lecrae wryly noted the emptiness of the gesture, “And some stock in Chick-fil-A.”

“I invite folks just to put some words to action here and if we need to find somebody that needs to have their shoes shined, we need to just go right on over and shine their shoes.”

“Whether they got tennis shoes on or not — maybe they got sandals on — it really doesn’t matter. But, there’s a time in which we need to have some personal action here. Maybe we need to give them a hug, too.

“I bought about 1,500 of these [brushes] and I gave them to all our Chick-Fil-A operators and staff a number of years ago.”

“So, any expressions of a contrite heart, of a sense of humility, a sense of shame, a sense of embarrassment begat with an apologetic heart — I think that’s what our world needs to hear today.”

Twitter version:

By Sassy Liberty

Sassy Liberty is a political writer for the better part of a decade. She has been vocal for years on social media concerning the communist agenda that has infiltrated our country. She is an advocate for medical freedom, homeschooling, and defunding the woke culture. Do you want to stop the war on kids and defund the commie agenda?

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6 thoughts on “Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy: White People Should Shine Shoes of Black People to Express Shame for Racism”
  1. Sorry, but when you start kissing the arse of the left and then you want me to shine shoes to atone for racism when my family is Native American and we never had slaves, in fact there were blacks who made Native Americans slaves and helped with the complete genocide of different clans of same; then you can keep your damn chicken as I wont spend another dollar in any of your stores.

  2. Shame on you Dan Cathy for bowing to the BLM and the rest of the big companies giving them millions of dollars to further there racist cause, there not helping the Black people, just using them to push there agenda, to liberalize our nation. I will never buy another chick-fil-a

  3. His father must be turning over in his grave for what he has done to Chick-fil-A. I wonder if he has shined any shoes of black people lately or is he too good to shine shoes?

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