Far left Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Friday during a press conference said she has two words for President Trump: “F— you.”
“I will encode what I really want to say to Donald Trump,” Lightfoot said. “It’s two words: It begins with F and it ends with U.”
Lightfoot said she’s been the target of “blatant racism” over the course of her life then she bashed President Trump over his tweets calling for law and order against the George Floyd rioters.
For lo, the American Nazi Party speaketh. Hitler’s power depended on racism and riots. You can bet liberals in Minnesota approve these riots of they’d not be happening.
She’ll do great in a Women’s Correctional Facility!
Being black in America shouldn’t be a death sentence but then when you have blacks killing blacks 95% or more than any other race killing them it is hard for them not to. Out of over 2,500 murdered blacks the numbers killed by blacks is over2,300 of them. Now 31 were killed by police, the rest of the 100 more or less by different races but the over 2,300 by their own race. So Mayor Lightfoot, how about you talk to you black communities and tell them they need to stop making being black a death sentence and lay the blame where the blame goes. At the black communities door step.