Like most liberal groups and companies, Starbucks seems to just keep sticking their feet in their mouths. In the last six months we have seen major boycotts of the overpriced...
A pre-school teacher in Texas who encouraged social media followers to “kill some Jews” and repeatedly mocked the Holocaust was terminated on Wednesday, according to reports. Leftists continue pushing the...
As the number of rapes continues to increase thanks to the current invasion of Europe by Muslims hoards, the Swedes are starting to cave to some aspects of Sharia Law....
A video of a 12-year-old Muslim girl who was arranged to become the bride of an 80-year-old man has gone viral on social media. The footage was actually posted in...
A teacher from Sterling Aviation High School is under investigation by HISD for a series of anti-Muslim tweets. The brave 9th grade vocational instructor, who admits to tweeting a series...
A unanimous bill was passed amongst Kentucky’ Education Committee that permits bringing of bible in the school for teaching. Bible literacy classes could be taught in Kentucky public schools as...
Skeptics have often pointed out that no archaeological evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ has been discovered. And they are correct, at least perhaps up until the present. A...
It is now official, students at a Christian School, have been banned by town officials following a visit from saying grace at mealtimes, talking about the Bible, or even saying...
The family of the 16-year-old Moroccan girl who killed herself after she was forced to marry her rapist has hit out at the judge who made the order. Amina Filali,...
This Muslim woman allegedly refused to show her ID at a bus stop. She then pulled a knife out from under her hijab, and attempted to stab the soldiers. They...
Some residents believe that a controversial billboard on Interstate 40 in North Carolina by a religious group in support of President Donald Trump’s immigration and travel ban on Muslim-majority countries...
A group of Muslims who built a two-story mosque with no permit for about 3 years were surprised to see what it has become after authorities took action. When a...
Each year, Christian Day at Busch Stadium is one of several community theme nights hosted by the Cardinals. Most years feature a keynote speaker who speaks about how Christianity has...
A Muslim woman was caught on camera at Los Angeles International Airport threatening to bomb America and making derogatory comments about LGBT people, according to citizen journalist and cameraman Tony...
A Muslim family was kicked out of petting zoo after customers began to feel uncomfortable of what they were doing. A Muslim family decided to go to a petting zoo...
The Church of England “colluded” with and helped to hide the long-term sexual abuse of young men by one of its former bishops, the head of the church said Thursday,...
A group of perpetually-offended atheists, agnostics and freethinkers are threatening to sue a small Wisconsin town because of two welcome signs. The signs, which were posted some 50 years ago,...
Atheists across the fruited plain are rejoicing after a federal judge declared that a cross erected in a Florida park violated the law and must come down. “I am aware...
The FBI has taken over the investigation of the stabbing of a Flint Michigan police officer at the city’s Bishop Airport. The attack has been labeled as a ‘probable act...
A group of high school Muslim students signed petition requesting to move the prom date as it will fall during the Ramadan. The principal has a perfect response to it....
A infidel man was almost stabbed because of drinking beer during Ramadan was caught on cam. While a man was leaving the grocery store with a 6-pack of beer under...