Who Are the “Other Fox News Hosts” Gretchen Carlson Suggests Roger Ailes Slept With?

Former Fox anchor Gretchen Carlson filed a complaint Wednesday against Fox News CEO and Chairman Roger Ailesalleging a pattern of sexual harassment during her time at the network.

A key allegation in Carlson’s complaint is that she was denied promotion and other opportunities at Fox because she refused to submit to Ailes’ frequent and persistent sexual advances.

In one part of her complaint, Carlson alleges that there were “other Fox News hosts who did not complain about harassment and rebuff his sexual advances,” and were, in turn, given “media support and promotion.”


Hmm. Them’s fighting words. And so the guessing game begins as to which Fox News hosts Carlson is suggesting parlayed some extra attention from Ailes into advancement at the network.

We have no idea. But media watchers are free to peruse the various schedule reshuffles at Fox over the past few years and make their own guesses.

Just to kick things off, here’s a rundown of the network’s current on-air lineup.

We report. You decide.


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