BREAKING: President Trump Pulls Nomination of Corrupt Deep State US Attorney Jessie Liu to Treasury Dept.

Good News!

President Trump pulled his nomination on Tuesday of crooked Deep State US Attorney Jessie Liu to the Treasury Department.

TGP contributor Joe Hoft wrote about this political hack back in September 2019–

Jessie K. Liu should not be practicing law.  She should be disbarred, impeached and indicted.  She is the US Attorney involved  in three Deep State Mueller related cases where the government is withholding or withheld evidence from the defense.  And she is involved in other corrupt cases.

Jessie K. Liu was an up and coming star in the Department of Justice.  However her actions of late prove that she never should have been elevated to her position in the first place.

Ms. Liu is involved in three cases where pertinent documents were withheld from the defense –
Via Rosie Memos.

Liu was involved in the Maria Butina case where a young woman sat in prison, due to the fact that she was set up by the Deep State FBI.  The information related to the FBI’s set up was never provided to her or her attorneys in spite of numerous requests from the defense for this information which was the government’s duty to provide to her.

Liu also is involved in the Concord Management case.  This case has been a mess since day one.  The government alleged numerous lies about the company in order to tie the Mueller sham to Russia.  Mueller’s team stated Concord and its sister company Concord Catering were involved in spreading news on Facebook that impacted the US election.  The problem is Concord Catering wasn’t even in existence at the time they were indicted by Mueller and the Mueller team was never able to tie Russians to Concord Mangement which spent only $3,000 on Facebook ads that supposedly impacted the 2016 election.

Mueller insinuated that Concord was led by Russians who didn’t want Hillary to win.  But Mueller and Liu have never been able to prove this while making up crimes along the way.  Concord Management’s attorneys are toying with the corrupt Deep State, even saying their logic is similar to Tweety bird saying, “I did, I did, I taw a puddy tat.”

In addition, Liu is involved in the Deep State’s sham indictment of the courageous General Mike Flynn.  Since the 2016 election and before, General Flynn was targeted by Obama’s Deep State.  Flynn committed the crime of disagreeing with Obama’s insane policies in the Middle East.  Since that time, Flynn was a target.


Sassy Liberty

Sassy Liberty is a political writer for the better part of a decade. She has been vocal for years on social media concerning the communist agenda that has infiltrated our country. She is an advocate for medical freedom, homeschooling, and defunding the woke culture. Do you want to stop the war on kids and defund the commie agenda?

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