The Twitter account belonging to former Vice President Joe Biden was hacked on Wednesday, the account belonging to former President Barack Obama was hacked shortly after.
Many other massive figures and accounts were also hacked, including Jeff Bezos, Kanye West, Mike Bloomberg, Elon Musk, Uber, Warren Buffet, Apple and Bill Gates.
The tweet was live on Biden’s page for less than two minutes.
“I am giving back to my community due to Covid-19!” said the tweet from Obama’s account, which has since been deleted. “All Bitcoin sent to my address below will be sent back doubled. If you send $1,000, I will send back $2,000!”
The hackers used the accounts to request money be sent to a Bitcoin wallet, which raked in tens of thousands of dollars in minutes. They claimed that any funds would be returned to the sender, doubled.
“It’s unclear how widespread the operation is, but it appears to be affecting major companies and extremely high-profile individuals, suggesting that someone has either found a severe security loophole in Twitter’s login process or third-party app, or that the perpetrator has somehow gained access to a Twitter employee’s admin privileges,” the Verge reports.
Biden’s password was guessed on the third try.