RUSH LIMBAUGH: Black Lives Matter Is “Approaching Unionized Gang Status”

Rush Limbaugh argued on Monday that “Black Lives Matter is almost approaching unionized gang status now.”

On “The Rush Limbaugh Show,” the conservative radio host said, “Black Lives Matter plans to shut down Graceland this week. Elvis Presley’s home. This is Graceland week, apparently. In Memphis people show up, and the Coalition of Concerned Citizens — I think Black Lives Matter is almost approaching unionized gang status now. They have imprimatur from the White House. They have their leaders up there honored for the great work that they do, and they’re rabble-rousers.”

BLM ThugsAccording to Limbaugh, Black Lives matter is “gonna go into an event that’s always peaceful and try to cause trouble. ‘The Coalition of Concerned Citizens, including Black Lives Matter protesters and other –‘ I was gonna say gangs, excuse me ‘– groups announce their plan to shut down Graceland.’”

“Protest leaders say the mass demonstration is planned for 6:00pm Monday. They said they specifically chose Graceland because it is Elvis week and they know it will raise awareness. Leaders say they also chose Graceland because ‘it demonstrates one of Memphis’s most common forms of financial inequality and because the site has ties to … the death of unarmed teen Darrius Stewart.’ ‘We feel like we still haven’t been answered,’ said Frank Gottie, a community leader. ‘They’re givin’ us the runaround,’” Limbaugh read.

“Graceland has a lot to answer for,” Limbaugh said. “Graceland?”

“Recently in front of Graceland some Black Lives Matter protesters were detained from blocking traffic. At the time activists said they wanted their demands met by the city, which they admitted would take time. Graceland’s got nothing to do with anything here. But they’re showing up. And they’re gonna have all kinds of attention focused on ’em, sympathetic naturally,” Limbaugh said.

Article source - Daily Caller
Article source – Daily Caller


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