The progressive published an article Monday that says the big problem at American universities is that there’s too many white people.
In an article entitled “Are America’s colleges too liberal? No, they’re too white,” Jamilah King, senior staff writer at Mic, writes that recent arguments coming from both the left and right that colleges are too obsessed with trigger warnings and political correctness miss the mark, and that the real problem is not enough affirmative action.
“The purpose of these culture-war battles were clear: to undo the policies of the civil rights era,” she writes, “Specifically, in this case, conservatives were focused on dismantling affirmative action, a policy that proactively worked to address centuries of systemic racism and sexism by acknowledging a person’s race and sex in hiring or admissions. That war was ultimately successful.”
King sees the rollback of affirmative action at certain schools contributing to campuses nationwide becoming too white.
She continues, “The irony is this: As people of color grow in numbers, our power is diminishing. America’s college campuses may seem like bastions of liberalism where the thoughts and ideas of students of color reign supreme, but they’re quite literally not — because those students of color are disappearing.
“This is how white supremacy works. And this is precisely what marginalized students on college campuses have been trying to call attention to for well over two decades.”
Though King says affirmative action has been dismantled, the practice still continues in admissions offices across the country. Earlier this year, the Supreme Court case “Fisher v. University of Texas” upheld the legality of a race-based affirmative action program at the University of Texas.