Bill Gates Funding A Communist Party Program!

Evidence shows that Gates is aiding CCP. 

American globalist billionaires and Beijing collusion continue. And there is no sign of stopping…

A recent piece published by The National Pulse reveals that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the “charitable” outfit of the Microsoft founder, provided significant money to the Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of Science and Technology, enabling the regime to achieve its goal of bringing scientists from abroad into China in order to give the communists a competitive technological advantage over the United States.

Back in June, the Gates Foundation awarded a $100,000 grant to the Foreign Talent Research Center, which is part of the Ministry of Science and Technology, The National Pulse noted.

According to the Gates foundation’s website, the funds were used to finance a forum on “pandemic preparedness and response,” specifically on the subject of “leveraging resources to improve global health and support disadvantaged populations who are disproportionately impacted by pandemic.”


It should be noted that the forum in question is part of a partnership with the Zhongguancun Forum, a conference the Chinese Communist Party organizes that includes speeches by top CCP officials, including President Xi Jinping himself.

More details of this exclusive report from ‘The National Pulse’:

The Gates Foundation’s decision to fund the Foreign Talent Research Center of China’s Ministry of Science and Technology comes amidst controversy over the likelihood of international collaboration between U.S. and Chinese researchers in Wuhan leading to the genesis of COVID-19. Since the outbreak of the virus, the Chinese Communist Party has stonewalled investigations into the origins of the virus and planted Western researchers with compromising ties to China in senior investigative roles.

Beyond COVID-19, the Chinese Communist Party has also come under fire for weaponizing its science and technology programs to lure Western scientists away from their home countries in order to facilitate Chinese advancement and military build-up. This program – commonly known as the Thousand Talents Plan – has led to several Department of Justice (DOJ) indictments of American researchers who routinely fail to disclose their financial ties to the Chinese Communist Party despite receiving U.S. taxpayer funds.

The Ministry of Science and Technology’s Foreign Talent Research Center appears to engage in similar conduct, as it is responsible for “bring[ing] in foreign talent,” according to an outline of its missions.

According to the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST):

MOST formulates and facilitates the implementation of strategies and policies for innovation-driven development, and plans and policies for S&T development and the attraction of foreign talent.

The solution is clear: Doing business with the CCP must be aggressively prosecuted as seditious. From billionaires to government officials, everyone who deals with the Chinese should be arrested.

Of course, the broader problem is that the U.S. as a country does business and has become dependent on the very people who seek to destroy us. We must end the suicidal trade policy that has become dogma in political circles, and bring production out of Beijing and back to America.

Sources: WLT, The National Pulse, MOST

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