Ben Carson Launches New Political Project; Here’s What We Know…

Sadly, the realization that the Trump administration is pretty much over is beginning to set in as the days go by, which has Trump’s trusted cabinet picks heading back to civilian lives.

Now that they are home and getting settled into their normal (using that term loosely) lives, they are looking to the future and what they will do with their free time. Dr. Ben Carson who is now-former United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), who was one of Trump’s most loyal public servants, is now planning his next move.

Carson’s love for America has not diminished at all which is why he will be investing his love for America into a new project.

In an announcement on Wednesday, Carson revealed that he will be launching a new conservative think tank with the goal of “providing common-sense solutions to some of our nation’s biggest problems.”

Referencing just how divided our country is from the savagery of the Democrat party, and the fact that the mainstream media refuses to report on accurate news, Carson has founded the American Cornerstone Institute in the hope that he can help to bring the nation back together.

According to Carson:

We have painted our fellow Americans as “​deplorable​,” “stupid,” and worse. It is this type of malicious, political rhetoric fueled by opportunistic politicians and profit-driven media organizations that has roiled our deeply divided nation.

We are better than this. Words such as compromise, compassion, and civility are twisted, maligned and tainted as somehow being dirty, or have magically disappeared altogether.

We must do better than this. I miss the days when Americans fought united for freedom and justice for all — equally. I miss when compromise, compassion, and civility were not only encouraged but celebrated, where individuals accepted the consequences of their actions, when politicians pursued the public good, not just their own good.

Watch more from Carson below:

Carson provided additional details on the project in an article for RealClearPolitics:

We must work to improve American cities. While many of the country’s large cities face similar problems — homelessness, a higher cost of living, and rising crime, to name a few — the causes of these problems, and the best ways to address them, will vary from place to place. The institute will study in detail some of America’s largest cities, identifying the key drivers of their current issues and potential solutions that take into account the unique characteristics of each urban area.

We will serve as a check on political power in Washington. ACI will actively push and remind the powers that be to allow and even empower local communities to govern their own affairs. Washington may be home to our political arena, but it is seldom a place for finding solutions; for those we must look to the American people.

For the preservation of this great nation, for ourselves, and the next generation, we will foster a renewed focus on education. If there’s one thing I know to be true, it’s that education is the key to prosperity. Without it, our communities will falter and our institutions will crumble.

Even though Carson has left the cesspool of D.C. does not mean his work is done. Carson is a true patriot and will continue to push forward and help elevate all who are striving for the American dream.

Sassy Liberty

Sassy Liberty is a political writer for the better part of a decade. She has been vocal for years on social media concerning the communist agenda that has infiltrated our country. She is an advocate for medical freedom, homeschooling, and defunding the woke culture. Do you want to stop the war on kids and defund the commie agenda?

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