Banner Tells NJ Gov. Chris Christie: ‘Get the Hell Off’ The Beach [WATCH]

A banner plane was spotted Monday flying over Seaside Park with a strong message for Gov. Christie.

A banner ad urging Gov. Chris Christie to “Get The Hell Off Island Beach State Park” was met with a roar of cheers as it flew over the Jersey Shore on Monday.

The ad, caught on camera by Jersey Shore Hurricane News, was a reference to NJ Advance Media photos that captured Christie and his family lounging on a state-run beach that was closed over the weekend because of a state government shutdown.

The photos were taken early Sunday afternoon just before Christie went to Trenton to hold a press conference about the shutdown.

At the press conference, he told a reporter that he “didn’t get any sun today.”

When a spokesman for Christie was told about the photos, he responded by saying: “Yes, the governor was on the beach briefly today talking to his wife and family before heading into the office.”

“He did not get any sun,” the spokesman, Brian Murray, continued. “He had a baseball hat on.”

The advertisement was an apparent jab at Christie’s warning in 2011 ahead of Hurricane Irene, when he told beachgoers seen on TV news feeds to “get the hell off the beach in Asbury Park and get out.”

On Monday, Christie defended himself against the photographs, saying he is allowed to be at his home.

“The governor has two residences in New Jersey. One down at the beach, at Island Beach State Park, and one at Drumthwacket, which also is in Princeton,” Christie said in a phone interview with Good Day New York. “The governor is allowed to go to his residences and I’m at my residences. I’ll tell you this, I said last Monday, a week ago today, that no matter what happens, we were coming here as a family this weekend.”

New Jersey’s state government shutdown could be nearing an end, as legislators were summoned to the Statehouse on Monday night in a possible attempt to pass a state budget.

Source: Breitbart

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