Antifa militants in Portland have now ramped up their terroristic efforts and have issued a direct threat to “mayor” Ted Wheeler via a video posted on Twitter, ordering him to resign or else widespread destruction and bloodshed will enrapture the city.
“Ted, we are asking for the last time that you resign. If you ignore this message outright the destruction of your precious way of life is going to escalate. Blood is already on your hands, Ted. But next time, it may just be your own,” says the narrator in a video posted to the @KnotAThreat account on Twitter, while showing Wheeler’s home address in the video.
This is after the narrator explains that “window-smashing and riots are a necessary escalation when those in power have proven that they are unwilling to listen and have made the choice to ignore you” and goes on a diatribe about, you know, stuff, or something, calling for the abolition of mayors and ranting about “the system” and police. The dialogue runs over various images of riots, police, Ted Wheeler, and a creepy dude in a mask standing near a MAX train platform.
We will be funding more anarchists to Portland soon. Our initial troops are here prepping for summer. This is a city we can turn in towards total abolition of the police and replace with community defense / mutual aid camps. Solidarity with all comrades! #PDX #PortlandProtests
— ⒶAnarchy as OrderⒶ (@anarchyasorder) April 29, 2021
This video is being investigated while nothing is happening to the cop that murdered Robert Douglas Delgado in broad daylight
Meanwhile, it looks like the FBI is finally paying attention to Antifa, taking a break from profiling and surveilling Trump supporters and pro-life grannies, and they are working with Portland police to identify the individuals behind this threat.
Writing for The Post Millennial, Andy Ngo and Mia Cathell report:
Wheeler’s office sent TPM the following statement: “The Police Bureau has opened an investigation into the threat.”
Additionally, FBI Portland’s spokesperson Beth Anne Steele released the following statement:
“The FBI is aware of the video and is assisting Portland Police Bureau in the investigation. Due to the ongoing nature of the case, we have no further information to release at this time. Anyone with information as to the person or people responsible for this video is encouraged to contact the FBI or PPB. The FBI can be reached at (503) 224-4181 or via”
Ngo and Cathell might even have a possible potential maybe could-be alleged suspect, as the article includes:
The account that uploaded the video Wednesday was created on the same day. Twitter user “@Hazeee1312” was the first person to follow the account and to share the video to Antifa networks. “1312” is the numeric coding for “ACAB” — all cops are bastards.
@Hazeee1312’s profile photo showed a person wearing the same stylized white mask as the person in the video threat. Within hours of sharing the video, @Hazeee1312 deleted his entire account, which was created back in 2013.
TPM can report exclusively that the @Hazeee1312 account was operated by far-left journalist, Jarrid Bailey Huber. The 21-year-old from Damascus, Ore. has been a staple at Antifa protests and riots in Portland and elsewhere in the U.S.
Huber’s Facebook page is filled with flyers advertising BLM-Antifa events. His now-deleted Twitter account also shared extremist content from Antifa accounts. On Wednesday he also briefly shared the video on his Facebook but quickly deleted the post. A February 2020 post by Huber used language against Wheeler similar to what was said by the narrator in one part of the video. When reached for comment, Huber denied having any involvement in the video.
“I had nothing to do with this video, I was asked to share it and that is all I did,” Huber wrote in an email.
To the surprise of no one, Twitter boss Jack Dorsey has not removed the video as of the time of this writing. Somehow issuing direct death threats to mayors of major cities and threatening an escalation of widespread destruction doesn’t violate their terms of use. Heaven forbid you to question the results of the election, though. We’ve screen-capped many of the tweets involving this threat for future use should @Jack remove the original posts.
Since @Jack hasn’t censored this, @Twitter is making a journalistic decision to participate in the threats and/or possible assassination of Ted Wheeler, correct?
— Interweb_Rando (@InterwebRando) April 29, 2021
Days after Wheeler decided to put his big kid pants on and vowed to put a stop to Antifa’s recurring violence in the city, the video threat comes in. That marks a substantial change in his policy, as he spent much of the last few years going out of his way to appease the terrorists. But as we see here, there is no appeasing the terrorists. Once you start caving to them, they know they have you.
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