Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

Alec Baldwin Taunts Trump, Wears Cap With “Make America Great Again” Written In RUSSIAN

SNL might be taking a break, but Alec Baldwin’s taunting of Donald Trump knows no rest.

The actor took to Instagram Saturday wearing a red ‘Make America Great Again’ cap similar to the ones worn by Trump’s supporters on the President-elect’s campaign trail.

But this time there was a pretty big difference: In a reference to the intelligence reports that say Russia hacked the US to sway the elections, the words on the cap were written in Russian – badly.

The words “сделать америки здорово снова” on the hat do indeed read “Make America fantastic/great again” in that order, according to former CNN Moscow bureau chief Jill Dougherty.


“But the grammar is wrong and nothing like a real Russian would use”, she said.

In fact, that is the exact translation given by Google translate.

Trump has yet to respond to Baldwin’s latest pop at his political career, although he did launch a three-tweet rant on Saturday night in which he said that those who didn’t want closer US/Russian ties were ‘stupid’.

H/T: Daily Mail

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