A 4-year-old girl was the victim of a cruel prank in a McDonald’s bathroom that left her with skin torn from her legs.
Nicole Langmead was with her children at McDonald’s when her daughter Kaya needed to go use the bathroom. The mother waited a while for her daughter, and soon grew worried about how long she was taking. It was then that Kaya came out of the bathroom in pain — explaining that she had been stuck to the toilet seat.
What happened before Kaya went into the bathroom ultimately clued her mother in as to what happened to her.
“I was waiting outside the toilets with my two daughters for quite a long time,” Langmead told Daily Mail.
“We were just about to give up when these two girls came out of the bathroom laughing. They were probably in their early teens. I didn’t think too much of it and Kaya went into the toilet. A short while later she came out in tears and told me that she had become stuck to the seat.”
The mother found superglue all over the toilet seat her daughter used. There was so much of the strong adhesive that it ripped the skin from her daughter’s legs.
It was later revealed that the two teen girls, who police said were behind the prank, were between the ages of 16 and 18 years old.
Langmead said that since the incident, her daughter has become traumatized. The distraught mother, who lives in Exeter, England, spoke directly to the teens who pranked her daughter in a Facebook post:
“To the two young blonde girls that thought it would be so hilarious to put super glue on the disabled and baby changing toilet in McDonald’s, I just want you to know that I am still having to console my four-year-old daughter who was unfortunate enough to use the toilet after your little prank. The backs of her legs and bum are red raw after the glue had stuck her to the seat and she has been in tears on and off since. I hope you’re proud of yourselves. Your families must be so proud.”
H/T America Now
They should super glue the two teens azzcheeks together then place them in the middle of a freeway.