28 Prison Inmates Die: 5 Beheaded in Prison During John Kelly’s Visit

DHS Secretary visited the Mexican city of Acapulco on last Thursday.  At latest count 28 inmates are dead.   Of those 28, 5 were beheaded.  The riot coincided with the visit of DHS Secretary John Kelly who was there to discuss cartel violence.  Send in Gen Mattis.

In the past Acapulco was an extremely popular tourist sight but now is a bastion for the drug cartels and the sight of increasing violence.  The port is used for shipping drugs and marijuana and poppies grow well in the surrounding mountains.

 Soon after the riot started, prison guards reported hearing gunshots inside the compound. Moments after, in the maximum security area they discovered the remains of five beheaded inmates left outside in the yard, a kitchen, and a hallway.

The fighting continued during the morning until state law enforcement, with the help of federal police officers and military personnel, were able to surround the compound and force their way in. Authorities spent the day raiding the facility and investigating prison staff to determine if any were complicit.

The deadly riot took place hours before DHS Secretary John Kelly was slated to visit the military installations in Acapulco as part of a three-day tour where he is expected to meet with Mexican government cabinet members to discuss the country’s lack of security conditions.

As Breitbart Texas reported, the once quiet beach resort town of Acapulco has become a hotbed of cartel violence with frequent shootouts and beheadings as rival criminal organizations continue to fight for control. The state is not only a lucrative shipping port to smuggle drugs, but the large mountain regions also provide prime conditions for the production of marijuana and poppy plants. Mexican cartels use poppy sap to manufacture heroin.

H/T Breitbart Texas


Steven Ahle

I have been the editor and writer for Red Statements and The PC Graveyard. Won the 2014 FJN Journalist of the Year Award. Author of six fiction books available on Amazon.com "I am a troll bridge. You can cross me but you will pay the price"

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